In my last post where I talked about my Allergic Contact Dermatitis that you can read here, I promised that if I had a reaction at any point I would share a picture so that you can see what it looks like on me. While testing out some new products I want to talk about during this month I had a mild reaction to one of them. And as promised I cam back to share the pictures. Now the lighting is super great, but if you look close you will be able to see what I am talking about.
If you look closely at my cheeks and my chin you will see some mild redness, and bit of a scaly look. And here are two pictures for a closer look at those areas.
This was a very mild reaction compared to what normally happens. I have had bad reactions where redness and scales covered my face. Thankfully I managed to get this mostly calmed down within a couple of days.
Look for upcoming posts on:
What my daily skincare routine looks like/what’s safe to use with my allergy
My love of makeup and favorite brands as well as some makeup looks
Outfit post for my costume that I wore to the Steampunk Con